Equality Toledo Presents: The James Wozniak Memorial Scholarship
This application is for one $500 scholarship offered by EqualityToledo in honor of James Wozniak to outstanding gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender students, allies, or the children of gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender parent who have worked toward equality for the LGBT community. This scholarship will be awarded to students who possess some or all of the following traits: leadership, community service, academic scholarship and financial need. Students are encouraged to discuss their experiences with extracurricular activities, employment, financial and personal hardship, involvement in the LGBT community, and other information that will help the scholarship committee understand the applicant better.
All applicants must be seventeen years or older.
All applicants must be applying to attend (or be currently attending) a fully accredited post-secondary college or vocational educational institution in Northwest Ohio or be a current permanent resident of Northwest Ohio.
There are three (3) pieces to this application: (1) General Information, (2) Four required essays, and (3) two reference letters.
Please note that if you do receive the scholarship Equality Toledo has the right to use your name and likeness to inform the community of your winning.
Completed applications are due by Sunday, November 26th, 2023. This application portal will close on midnight of the due date.